Standard Operating Procedures
Effective January 25th, 2023
- Hours of Operation: Live fire hours are 11:00 am to 5:00 pm.
- Eligibility: Only club members, associate members or guests while accompanied by a member who have completed the NFTCR Orientation are eligible to use the Range for normal Range activities.
- Participants under the age of 18 will be required to be accompanied by a parent, guardian or other responsible adult club member when participating in shooting activities.
- In the event of repeated rule infractions, indifference to safety rules or SOP provisions and only at the discretion of the Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO), the following sanctions may be imposed, or a previously imposed sanction lifted. The sanctions need not be imposed in the order listed.
- Probation – An individual may be placed on probation for a specified period – 30, 60 or 90 days. During that period the individual MAY continue to use the range and participate in range activities but is on notice that continued infractions will result in a more severe sanction.
- Suspension – The right to use the range or to participate in range activities may be suspended for a specified period – 30, 60 or 90 days. During that period the individual MAY NOT continue to use the range or participate in range activities.
- Decertification – In the event that the CRSO determines that an individual:
- Has not absorbed necessary safety information presented in the Range Orientation course or
- Is not complying with range rules as stated in the SOPs or
- That too much time has passed without range activity.
- The CRSO may revoke the certification to use the Range and require that the individual repeat the safety course before resuming use of the Range or participate in Range activities. This sanction may be lifted only by the CRSO.
- Banishment – In the event of repeated or extreme safety violations, unsportsmanlike conduct or a display of a disregard of range rules or policies the CRSO may banish an individual from the range or participation in range activities. This sanction may be lifted only by the CRSO.
- Memberships & Member Rights
- Membership is contingent on the member adhering to the written policy, any member subject to disciplinary action for violation of policy up to and including termination of membership will not receive reimbursement or refund of any portion of their membership dues.
- Membership options and pricing are as follows.
- Monthly Membership
- Cost $25
- $10 every half hour on the firing line.
- Each member is entitled to bring a guest at any one time.
- Annual Membership
- Cost $100
- $5 every half hour on the firing line.
- Each member is entitled to bring a guest at any one time.
- Cost $100
- Annual Membership
- Cost $250.
- Each member is entitled to bring a guest at any one time.
- Cost $250.
- Lifetime Membership
- No Expiration Date
- Cost - No Longer available
- Terms of Life Membership to continue under original agreement.
- Honorary Membership
- Available to those who have made a significant contribution to the betterment of the facility.
- Terms as determined by the President.
- Each member is entitled to bring a guest at any one time.
- Monthly Membership
- Members may not disrupt a class or special event happening at the facility.
- Members may use the part of the range/facility not occupied by a class activity.
- NFTCR will maintain a calendar on its website of classes/events.
- Members may not disrupt a class or special event happening at the facility.
- Members may rent the facility/building for special events.
- $50per event/day.
- Range Opening, Operation and Closing
- Range Opening
- A NFTCR member may access the range and oversee range activities for them selves and their guests during normal operating hours.
- There will be absolutely no shooting on the range before 9:30am or after 7:30pm (or sunset whichever is sooner)
- Check all bays for safety before beginning any range activity.
- Have all members and guests sign in before shooting. All Shooters must have completed the waver form before using the range.
- Range Operation
- Bay walls or props MAY NOT be used as target supports or backstops. Targets stands will be used with targets that are not self supported and ALL shots must be directed into the berms.
- There is to be NO HANDLING or HOLDING of guns during “Cease Fire” periods or when the “Range Safe” or “Range Clear” command has been given. During those periods all guns are to be clear and open or safely holstered. There is to be NO gun handling behind the firing line when anyone is downrange of the gun.
- Keep Range Clean: All trash including paper, paper or plastic cups, cartridge boxes and plastic cartridge inserts must be placed in trash containers. Only soda cans and glass and plastic bottles should be placed in the recycling containers. Smokers are not to throw cigarette or cigar butts on the ground. Butts containers are provided and are to be used.
- No Smoking in the Range building or in the Shooting Stall Area. Smoking is only permitted in designated area.
- The process for actions to be taken following an incident anywhere on NFTCR property involving an employee, member, guest, or contractor is included in Appendix A.
- Range Closing
- Pick up all spent shell cases and brass and place in designated containers.
- Remove all used targets and props and place in designated area.
- Place only usable targets and target stakes in the stall area.
- Put badly shot up targets in the "Cardboard Recycling" bin.
- Put targets sticks too shot up to be usable in the "Scrap Target Sticks" bin.
- Place all trash in trash bin.
- Check all bays for safety.
- Range Opening
- Statement of Authority
- The Range Officer (RO) if on duty has absolute authority in all instances over all shooters and spectators present on and / or utilizing the Range. The Range Officer (RO) will relinquish authority to any of the individuals in the NFTCR Chain of Authority at their request. At that time the requesting individual will assume all responsibility for subsequent necessary action, orders, events, and/or occurrences.
- Chain of Authority
- NFTCR President
- Chain of Authority
- The Range Officer (RO) if on duty has absolute authority in all instances over all shooters and spectators present on and / or utilizing the Range. The Range Officer (RO) will relinquish authority to any of the individuals in the NFTCR Chain of Authority at their request. At that time the requesting individual will assume all responsibility for subsequent necessary action, orders, events, and/or occurrences.
- Range Safety:
- Everyone must fill out and sign the policy form and waiver prior to using the range.
- All NRA/USCCA Range Safety Rules SHALL be followed at all times.
- There is to be no consumption of alcohol or drugs on the premises nor shall persons deemed by legitimate authority to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs be permitted to use the range.
- Alcohol may be permitted when the building is rented or for special events under discretion of the President only after all range activity has ceased for the day.
- During live firing:
- Eye and ear protection must be worn by all individuals including spectators and others not involved in the firing.
- Air gun shooters are excepted as regards ear protection provided that only Air gun shooters are using the range.
- Open-toes shoes are not permitted to by worn by anyone firing on the range. This does not apply to spectators.
- Firearms are to be transported to and from the Ranges/Shooting Stalls in a suitable box, case, holster or bag specifically designed for transporting/storage of firearms. Specifically firearms may NOT be carried in garment pockets or openly in the hand.
- The range is a COLD range. This means that all firearms are to be unloaded at all times, except on the firing line or at the beginning of a firing exercise.
- In addition, there is to be no handling of firearms except on the firing line or immediately prior to beginning a firing exercise.
- Rifles and shotguns may not be used on either of the pistol ranges.
- The classroom is considered to be a part of the range. Handling of any loaded firearm within the classroom, is specifically prohibited.
- At their discretion Range Officers may supervise shooters in casing or uncasing firearms on the bays when all normal safety precautions are taken.
- The definition of an unloaded firearm is:
- Revolver; cylinder empty, hammer down
- Semiautomatic; magazines removed, chamber empty, hammer down, safety on if applicable.
- Tracer, armor-piercing, steel-jacketed or steel-core ammunition is not permitted.
- No loaded firearms are to leave the firing line unless holstered for personal carry.
- All shooters must be in the shooting bays inside of the walls.
- All bullets are to impact the berm above the bay floor, and below the height of the sidewalls. Bullets are not to impact into the bay walls. At no time will a muzzle direction more than 90 degrees from a line directly downrange from a gun be permitted. This describes a plane generally referred to as “The 180 line”. No rule from any sport or activity conducted on the range shall override this restriction.
- During long-gun activities, there shall be no starts from the port arms position. All starts with long guns will be from a table or approved retention device (drop box) or from a position with the muzzle pointed below the horizontal.
- Shooting at anything other than authorized targets is not permitted. The only approved targets are paper, cardboard, steel targets, or clay targets.
- Ammunition
- Lead core non magnum pistol ammunition may be used on steel targets. Absolutely no steel core or rifle caliber ammunition is to be used on steel targets.
- Due to the likelihood of extreme shot bounce-back STEEL CORE AMMUNITION IS NOT TO BE USED at any time.
- High power pistol ammunition are not to be used on steel targets. High power pistol ammunition is defined as any ammunition where the product of muzzle velocity (in fps) multiplied by bullet weight (in grains) exceeds 200,000.
- On the main Range all shooting activities must be take place in the shooting stalls.
- Exception for special classes or events.
- Such events must be approved by the CRSO
- No firearms are to be handled by anyone other than the shooter.
- The shooters muzzle must remain directed at the approved impact areas at all times.
- The distance at which steel targets can be engaged is 30 feet.
- During any firing period any individual who observes an unsafe condition or situation is to call for an immediate cease fire. This applies whether the individual is associated with NFTCR, other users or is simply a spectator.
- The Range Officer’s directions and decisions are not debatable.
- Exception for special classes or events.
- In the South Range “The Pit” all targets must placed at the berm.
- Minimum of 30 foot distance must be maintained when shooting at steel targets.
- All shooting must be set that the shot impacts the berm.
- Shooters may shoot at the South, West or North berms only.
- Scheduling and Range Use
- The NFTCR usage requests for special events are made by filling out a request form.
- If less than the entire range is in use by a scheduled group, vacant bays may be used by other authorized shooters.
- The NFTCR usage requests for special events are made by filling out a request form.
- Accidents & Incidents:
- In the event of an accident:
- Cease fire, secure and clear any loaded guns.
- If the injury is minor, the injured party should be directed to the First Aid kit in the Class room and allowed to treat the injury themselves.
- Administer First Aid if necessary -- stop bleeding, protect the wound and prevent shock.
- If the accident requires that 911 be called, post someone at the gate into the property, to direct EMS personal to the Range.
- If required and / or deemed necessary, secure the area of the incident.
- Obtain verified ID of the injured and any others involved.
- ASAP notify NFTCR President
- In the event of an incident that involves violations of SOP or other applicable rules that do not result in an injury but are sufficiently serious that a member feels should be documented and reported use the “INCIDENT RESPONSE, EVALUATION and REPORTING” Form.
- In the event of an accident:
- Attire
- Attire worn by users of the range must be such as to not bring discredit to NFTCR or any other user group. Garments having offensive wording or images or which may be insulting to any group are not permitted.
- No open toed shoes are permitted in the shooting areas of the range.
- Job Descriptions & Duties
- The Chief Range Safety Officer or his designated representative is considered to be the Range Master.
- Oversee scheduling of events held on the range and use of the range by members.
- Establish and maintain a written SOP to describe overall range safety and general operation procedures. Revise SOP as required to reflect current procedures.
- Maintain a current copy of the SOP in the Training Center building so that it is available to range users.
- Oversee range operation to insure compliance with SOP. This duty may be delegated to a Duty Range Officer.
- Determine eligibility of shooters to use the range and certify those who are determined to be qualified.
- Determine eligibility of Range Officers and certify those determined to be qualified.
- Orientation Class & Range Training Officer – The Chief Range Safety Officer may designate a Orientation Class & Range Training Officer at his discretion.
- Maintain a list and schedule of those wanting to take the Orientation Class.
- Schedule and conduct the Orientation Classes.
____1. ALWAYS keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction (even if unloaded).
____2. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
____3. ALWAYS keep your firearm unloaded until you are on the firing line and ready to fire.
____4. DO NOT load firearms anywhere but on the firing line.
____5. All firearms not on the firing line must be stored unloaded in a case. Firearms will only be uncased or removed from the holster within the shooting booth area. Do not transfer uncased firearms from lane to lane.
____6. Range Officer reserves the right to remove anyone from the range that is deemed unsafe or unacceptable behavior.
____7. If you observe any unsafe conditions, please report them to a Range Safety Officer immediately.
____8. Individuals under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who will sign a waiver and remain by their side at all times.
____9. It is your responsibility to know and understand how to operate your firearm safely, ensure your firearm is in good working order and understand and use its safety features.
____10. Eye and Ear protection is mandatory for anyone entering the shooting areas of the range.
____11. Always keep the firearm action open, magazines removed and only load when ready to commence firing.
____12. Targets must be down-range and set so all shots will impact the berm area.
____13. Fire only when safe conditions exist: all shooters must stand in their respective shooting booth and non-shooters must stand behind the booth area.
____14. Always keep firearms pointed down range in a safe direction.
____15. Do not pass firearms directly from person to person. Place the unloaded firearm on the bench and allow the next person to pick it up.
____16. Only one firearm per shooter may be loaded at a time
____17. Only new or remanufactured factory ammo is allowed. All ammo subject to inspection and possibly rejection. No steel, armor piercing, or tracers. Use only the correct ammunition for your firearm as recommended by the manufacturer.
____18. All shooting must be conducted in a safe, controlled and accurate manner, “dual wielding” or “two gun shooting” is not permitted at any time.
____19. Upon the command “CEASE FIRE”, stop all shooting immediately, put down your firearm and back away from the firing line. Shooters may not re-approach the firing line or pick up any firearm until a Range Safety Officer gives the “all clear” signal. Command issued by Range Officers and Range Personnel must be obeyed immediately and without question.
____20. Never consume alcohol or take drugs before or while shooting.
____21. You are not allowed to draw from a holster and fire unless authorized by the Range Officer.
____22. Range Officers reserve the right to inspect any firearms or ammunition for safety considerations.
____23. If you are not sure of something, ask a range officer.
____24. Shooters are to may a reasonable attempt at cleaning up their spent shell casings and place them in the provided receptacle.
____25. Reloaders may recover their own brass from the range. Brass previously left on the range by other shooters is the property of Newaygo Firearms, and is not permitted to be removed.
____26. Food, drink, gum or any tobacco product is not permitted on the range. Always remember to wash your hands in cold soapy water after you leave the range and prior to eating.
____27. Damage to any part of range due to neglect of the member or their guest will result in customer paying for the damage.
____28. Allowance of private instruction given on the property of Newaygo Firearms is given at the pre-approved discretion of Newaygo Firearms.
____29. I have read and agree to the Newaygo Firearms Standard Operating Procedures.
Are you under indictment for, or have you ever been convicted of a crime which would prohibit you from owning or purchasing a firearm? YES NO
Have you ever been adjudicated as mentally defective or been committed to a mental institution?
I, ____________________________________, of _____________________________________
(print full name) (print place of residence)
do hereby acknowledge, release, and forever discharge Newaygo Firearms / Newaygo Papa Bear LLC its employees, agents, successors and assigns, of and from any and all manner of action and actions, claims, suits, damages, judgments and demands of any kind whatsoever, whether now or in the future, at law or in equity, that results or may result from firearms or subject control products used upon the premises of or from any training or instruction on the use of such firearms and subject control procedures by Newaygo Firearms / Newaygo Papa Bear LLC its successors, employees, agents and assigns.
I further acknowledge that the use of firearms is an inherently dangerous activity and assume the risks of using and employing firearms or other similar products on the premises of Newaygo Firearms / Newaygo Papa Bear LLC its successors and assigns.
I further acknowledge that the study and application of firearms techniques and subject control procedures is physically demanding and requires that I be in good physical condition, and free of any disability or physical condition that would prohibit my participation.
I further acknowledge that I have read and understood the foregoing RELEASE OF LIABILITY and ASSUMPTION OF RISK.
I further acknowledge that I understand and have completed the back-side of this form.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned does hereby execute this document on this
___ day of ____________________, 20___
Host Member Signature